
Showing posts from September, 2010

sorry, cause i get jealous you....

sorry really sorry, I also don know why I will get this feeling, I know you will not do that to me, but you cannot confirm he not too... I know I cannot do that ... because he is not mine... so I really feel every sorry, I have trying to control myself... I don want do anything at all, cause i really tired, and i know i stupid to think that so much, i just remember one thing you are my friend, whatever what happen you also is my friend, i have trying to stop think about that, and i know what i doing now, i jealous you, is true i jealous you now, when you start chat in that photo i know i will get this feel... but really sorry every sorry...

this few week

vivivivi... long time did write blog wu... cause i start play twitter hehe.... this few day exam exam exam only... every boring la...sien... never write blog this few week it has too many thing was happen, it make me every sad unhappy :( but now i have learn how to leave every thing away, and don't care about that all, every time when i say that my heart also will have a bit pain, how can i don't care wo.... all for they is my friend how can be like this... haizzz..... but now i told myself, really don't care they all... i will make it...


为什么你现在才告诉我, 为什么不让我继续的恨你, 告诉我那女的事告诉我“ miky kei” 他的名字, 其他人怎样讲都没关系, 可是为什么你要问我这样的问题...


人生到底要做到怎样才算是好的呢??? 人生岁月走得像我这样真可怜, 我从来就不会如何打好人事关系, 也最讨厌讨好别人, 所以我一直以来都只是直话直说, 喜欢的就说喜欢... 讨厌的就说讨厌... 也可能因为这样我属下人很多小人, 讨厌我的人和恨我的人, 可是在近期我身边发生了一件让我很杂乱的事, 直话直说得我也变随风摆, 让我明白做中间人的痛苦, 两边的关系我都不想有丝毫的破灭得罪, 就是为了两边都不得罪, 可是到最后把全世界的人都得罪了... 我真没用... 原本都不是这样的我, 现在弄得自己像草一样随风摆.... 第一次这种事真的第一次发生, 这样的一点小事我都做不好, 生活在这世上的我真白费, 大人的世界我融入不到... 我只知道朋友是用来关心, 互相利用这种事我不懂也不想懂... 只是出自朋友的身份关心的问候一句, 这样都被人气冲冲的讲了几句, 我真是当你是朋友关心下, 为什么这样都被人觉得多余呢??? 难道我真的是多余的???


我要活得比他更好... 我要活得比他开心... 最后的我才发觉我对他的感情, 永远都(可愿不可求)的... 我爱他的感情依然爱还在, 有很多事情不是想象中的容易. 我只能说我会努力....


today is my graduation happy day, at first i was ready a packet tissue for i cry, but finally that packet tissue i did use, because our class no one was cry including me, hehe... every enjoy at that time, i have take a lot of photo... thought previously to now, my school life almost five year ago, this year is my last school life... post few photo there... hehehe...


很复杂的感觉, 很奇怪的感觉, 我是怎么了呢??? 没心情没心情........ 有人知道是为什么吗??? 心好像等着一样东西, 会是什么呢??? 人生终会有高低潮, 现在的我算是在人生的低潮时段吗??? 除了不想太多我还能怎么做呢??? 有那个明白我的人在我身边吗??? 你能出来吗??? 能请你出来吗??? 小妹我很辛苦... 我越来越觉得寂寞... 我好怕孤独寂寞的感觉.... 这种感觉就像这世界只剩下我一个人, 我除了外壳有点硬以外, 其实我内心都是空的, 有谁能明白???


事情都过去了, 哭过伤过发泄过, 够了什么都够了.... 我把这就当个教训... 我发誓我以后不会再这样, 这段时间我真得非常感谢一班朋友, 真的非常感谢... 有你们的陪伴我才挨的过, 有你们的陪伴才让我知道我不是自己一个人, 我还有你们, 最爱你们我的朋友....