
Showing posts from April, 2011


對不起是我的錯... 只從開始工作那天開始我明白了很多事情, 也因為開始工作我也看清了很多, 車子壞的那天開始, 我已經開始死心了, 你所做的就如都是我逼的, 大家都別再痛苦了好嗎??? 那天我們坦白了一切, 明白了大家的方向, 朋友才是我們最好的相處方式...


这个礼拜最早回家就是今天, 我真的累到痹, 公司赶新店开张, 一整个礼拜没的休息直到27号, 我撑的到吗??? 只从工作了之后我就开始把自己弄得一点时间都没有, 也因为这样我想通了很多也证明了很多东西, 这几个星期发生了很多事... 酸甜苦辣麻样样齐, 不管那些... 因为现在最开心的就是我发现了一样很值得恭喜的事, 超开心的...\(^.^)/ 答应过不能说所以我先要保守秘密了/(>.<)\


now i finally understand why you ask me that questions ... you want let me go if i really say that answer , i don know why you will always thinking about that , i swear now i really never think about that, when i start work i start understand many thing, previous you ask me i sure will answer i do, but now i will think that i still small , i still have many wish haven't do yet, i don want just like this give up, but when you say that to me, i feel hurt... is that mean you want me to think clear for us future???? if i cannot accept your answer, you want let me go ???? am i really unreliable???


终于有的休息了, 开心开心... 累是一定有不过同时我很享受我的工作, 我很喜欢这份工, 同事之间都很好谈的... 前辈们都很肯教我, 不过最开心的还是我每天都收到很多吃的和免费的东西, 还可以跟同事们谈天和了解更多关于现在这份工的东西, 他们教会了我很多东西, 现在这份工我学会了很多东西, 现在都很享受这份工... 明天休息终于可以休息的够够了....